How Tall Really Is Ken Jeong? Deciphering the Confusion

How Tall Really Is Ken Jeong? Deciphering the Confusion

Ken Jeong, a notable name in the American entertainment industry, has always been a subject of curiosity when it comes to his height. Born on July 13, 1969, in Detroit, Michigan, Jeong’s talent extends beyond the screen. Besides his comedic roles, he’s also a qualified physician. So, how tall is he?

Understanding Ken Jeong’s Height

Summary of Ken Jeong’s Height

NameKen Jeong
Height5 feet 4 inches (approx. 163 cm)
Date of BirthJuly 13, 1969
OccupationActor, Comedian, Physician
Known Roles“Hangover” film series, “Community”
Net Worth$14 Million

Ken Jeong stands at 5’4″, which equates to just under 163cm. This height might seem a tad below the American male average of 5’9″ or roughly 175cm. But it’s essential to remember that height isn’t a measure of one’s success, and Jeong proves that right.

Jeong’s Remarkable Achievements

Height aside, Jeong has made a significant mark in Hollywood. Notable for roles in the “Hangover” films and the TV series “Community,” his acting prowess is undeniable. He once humorously mentioned his height as “Five Four” during a standup, showing that he embraces his stature.

Jeong’s Take on His Height

Interestingly, Ken’s height has often played a role in his comedic journey. By leveraging his stature, Jeong has breathed life into characters that are short, quirky, and unforgettable. He has shown time and again that success is not defined by how tall you stand, but by how big you dream.

A Role Model Beyond Height

Ken Jeong’s success story is more than about his roles or his height. It’s about breaking stereotypes, embracing one’s unique traits, and inspiring others to do the same. Today, he stands tall, not just in Hollywood but also in the hearts of many who see him as an embodiment of talent and determination.

Discrepancies in Reporting

While most sources peg Jeong’s height at 5’4″, there have been discrepancies. Some claim he is 5’5″ or roughly 165cm. Whatever the number, one thing is clear: Ken Jeong’s stature doesn’t define him. His talent does.


Q: How tall is Ken Jeong?
A: Ken Jeong is approximately 5’4″ or just under 163cm tall.

Q: What is Ken Jeong best known for?
A: He is renowned for his roles in the “Hangover” film series and the TV series “Community.”

Q: Is Ken Jeong also a physician?
A: Yes, apart from being an actor and comedian, Ken Jeong is also a qualified physician.

Q: Has Ken Jeong ever talked about his height?
A: Yes, he has humorously mentioned his height during standups and interviews.